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Download free red figure calyx krater

(b) Continuing the scene, on the left four stars, as nude boys, are shown in various stages of setting in the rippling waves on the seashore. On the right (over the handle) is another hill-top, surmounted by a stunted pine-tree, beside which the morning star (Eosphoros, Lucifer), represented as a wreathed boy with heavy mantle hanging from his left shoulder and arm, moves rapidly to the right, looking back at Eos, and raising his right hand in surprise his feet and his right leg from the knee are concealed behind the hill-top. She moves rapidly after him, her powerful wings extended behind, wearing a long chiton, a mantle covering her body and left arm, a necklace, and a stephane with long rays her hair is knotted behind. Below her gallops up the mountain-side a large hound, who seems to be baying the moon this is the hound of Kephalos, a wreathed youth equipped as a hunter (chlamys, petasos at back, two spears in left hand), who, as he moves to left, turns to menace with a stone Eos, as she extends her right to seize him. (a) Over the mountain-top on the left the setting moon is shown as Selene, a matronly figure in long chiton, necklace, and mantle passed over her head, riding side-saddle a horse, whose legs are already out of sight, to the left. The sun drives his chariot, pulled by four winged horses, up out of the ocean, while the stars are shown as boys, diving and disappearing into the water. The scene is set at dawn, as the sun rises from the sea and the stars sink into it.

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